Nun charity Foundation is a humanitarian Foundation based in Istanbul – Turkey founded in 2022 and operating locally and internationally. Nun charity Foundation works with local communities to enhance their resilience to disasters and helps the poor access basic services. it also provides its services to the marginalized, poor, and needy groups in various fields. İt also works on disaster preparedness, disaster risk reduction, recovery, health care provision, and social development, regardless of race, gender or religion.

Our Mission and Responsibility

  • Contributing to achieving the goals of the United Nations for sustainable development in the humanitarian sector in partnership with leading local and international institutions

  • Providing humanitarian support for the most vulnerable
  • Developing the charitable work environment methods and qualifying those in charge of this work
  • Relief and help the victims and the afflicted around the world
  • Anchoring the concept of volunteer and humanitarian work
  • Cooperating and coordinating with local and international associations and institutions to achieve sustainable development
  • Applying the approved quality standards in the field of charitable, humanitarian, and relief work.


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Smile spoke total few great had never their too. Amongst moments do in arrived at my replied.






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Our commitment

From quality to sustainable excellence

  • Creativity ..Leveraging creative ideas in providing and improving the services.
  • prudent spending .. Follow thoughtful spending mechanisms to make the most for partners and beneficiaries.
  • Involvement of partners ..Engaging partners to participate in the design of services and keeping them informed about services developments and performance.

Our commitment

From quality to sustainable excellence

  • Creativity ..Leveraging creative ideas in providing and improving the services.
  • prudent spending .. Follow thoughtful spending mechanisms to make the most for partners and beneficiaries.
  • Involvement of partners ..Engaging partners to participate in the design of services and keeping them informed about services developments and performance.

The pillars of our services

  • Effective leadership, building capabilities and optimizing its benefits.
  • Prudent spending and achieving operational efficiency.
  • Interest in the opinions of partners, stakeholders, and beneficiaries, and achieving their satisfaction.
  • Outstanding quality in all processes and services.

Our areas of work