The Noon Charitable Foundation launched the Emergency Relief Project for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria.

Istanbul – The Noon Charitable Foundation has initiated the Emergency Relief Project for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria.

The project aims to provide essential humanitarian aid to approximately 5,000 individuals affected by the earthquake.

The assistance provided within the project includes:

– Food items: including rice, flour, oil, sugar, and salt.
– Non-food items: including tents and materials necessary for temporary shelters, clothing, water, and soap.
– Healthcare: including medicines and medical personnel.

These aids are part of the efforts of the Noon Charitable Foundation to assist those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria and provide humanitarian support to them.

Project Details

The project targets families affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. The aid will be distributed through dedicated distribution centers in the affected areas.

The project has been funded through donations received by the Noun Charitable Foundation from individuals and companies worldwide.

Project Importance

The Emergency Relief Project for earthquake victims is a crucial step in assisting those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. The project contributes to providing basic necessities for these families, helping to improve their living conditions.


The Noun Charitable Foundation emphasizes its commitment to providing humanitarian aid to areas affected by natural disasters and supporting development efforts worldwide.


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